Linking untied to HMRC to bring in your information
If you have a Government Gateway account or HMRC personal tax account, untied can automatically bring in data from HMRC such as information about your salary or pension income. This needs an untied Pro account - it is not available in untied lite.
To do this in the untied mobile app
1. Navigate to Profile > HMRC details
2. You may now need to scroll down until you see "Connect to HMRC" (don't worry - all the other boxes here can be empty). Click on this
3. You will be taken to HMRC to complete the linking. You may need to scroll down. Click on Continue (it's a continue for everyone including you, not just for agents!). You will need your Government Gateway login if you have one
To do this in untied pro in the browser
1. Navigate to Tax Forms > Employment
2. Click on Retrieve from HMRC
3. Continue with the steps outlined in the above section on how to do this in the untied mobile app.
Not seeing what you expect?
HMRC systems can take time to update. They are also unlikely to have information from the current year as their data is populated by end of year tax filings from your employer.