Searching and bulk tagging

untied makes it easy to search through historic transactions and bulk tag them. This is particularly useful if you haven't had the benefit of using the app from day one of the tax year. If you've just started using the app and need to get the current year up to date or need to go through the previous year's transactions, searching and bulk tagging makes life easy.

Rules and bulk tagging can be managed via untied Pro in your browser, for use on a laptop or desktop, or in the mobile app.

untied Pro in your browser

This video shows how bulk tagging/untagging features, as well as rules operate in untied Pro in the browser.

If you want to search you can also use the search field at the top of the transaction listing:

untied mobile app

If you are a mobile app user and want to tag stuff for last year be sure to change the selected year to last year first using the year selector at the very top of the Money screen:

The search box

The quickest way to search for transactions is simply to use the search box at the top of the Money screen.  Hit the looking glass icon at the top of the screen to reveal the search box and start typing. 

As you type you'll see the list of transactions filter in real-time.  

Bulk tag

Once you've found the transactions you are interested in you might want to tag them all (or a selection) in one go rather than tag one at a time. To do this you need to activate the bulk-tag feature. Do this by long pressing on a transaction.  Rather than tapping, put your finger on a transaction and hold it there. You should then see the following tag bar appear:

You will also see that checkboxes have appeared on the transactions, and the one you long pressed will already be selected.  Note that if the list contains transactions of different types (money in and money out) then only the ones of the same type as the one you long pressed will have checkboxes.

It's now possible to select the tag type from the drop down, adjust the percentage if needed and tag items that you select. You can either check the boxes individually or use the All checkbox in the tag bar to select everything. 

Finally all you need to do is tap the tag button and untied will tag all the transactions you have selected.

If you have regular suppliers or clients, this is a super fast way to get everything from those people tagged.

Finding similar transactions

Another way to search is by searching for similar transactions. untied will do this automatically when you tag something. If it finds transactions similar to one you have just tagged a notification bar will appear which you can tap to quickly filter on those transactions. But you can also search for similar transactions without having to tag first. 

To do this swipe a transaction to the left to reveal the filter button:

Tap the blue filter button. untied will then search for all transactions that look similar to this one.  You can then enter the bulk tag view as explained above.

Notice that because you are now in filter mode you will see that the filter icon at the top has gone green:

To clear the filter tap on the filter icon to reveal the Filter options screen and then tap on Clear Filter.

More advanced filtering

To search within a date range, a range of amounts or within only specific accounts tap on the filter button to reveal the Filter screen.

Having set a filter you can drill down further using the search box as explained previously.

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