Adding employment with untied
untied supports employment income. This article explains where to get the information from and how to enter it in untied. If you had multiple jobs in the year, you need to be on an untied Pro plan - untied lite just supports a single employment source.
The first time you tag a transaction as "Employment Income", it may open a wizard for you to add your employment details.
If you tag something as salary or employment income in untied, your untied tax calculation does not immediately update, so don't worry if it appears to be missing.
Your bank records are not the source of your employment income. Instead you need records from your employer, or from HMRC.
Bringing data from HMRC
untied can bring your employment from HMRC.
Alternative documents that record your employment income
Your employer will give you a P60 shortly after the end of the tax year (or if you left employment, a P45). This is the actual record of your salary and tax paid for the full tax year, and untied uses the information from these forms in your tax calculation.
You may even have multiple employers and more than one P60.
Employers may also give you another form called a P11D that summarises any taxable employment benefits you may have received.
(Note that we are talking about employers where you are on the payroll. These employers deduct tax and give you a payslip for your salary. If you issue invoices to an 'employer' then you'll need to declare this income as "Business Income".)
If you have changed jobs, you will also have a P45 for each job. You will enter this figure for those jobs in untied.
Entering employment income in untied
Tagging a tranasction does not add employment income - it may help you though to track what you're earning.
You need to use the information from the P60 or P45.
You can enter the information manually in untied, or link untied to HMRC to pull in your income data.
How to add employment details in the mobile app
How to add employment details in your browser
How to add employment details in untied lite
Adding employment details in the untied mobile app
To add employment details manually or to add further employers, just follow the steps below:
1. Navigate to Profile
2. Click Income
3. Choose Employment
4. If you are adding additional jobs you had during the year, click "Add Employment Schedule"
5. Fill out the details for your P60 (if you left a job in the year, then enter it from your P45)
6. Hit save
7. Add more employers if needed - you'll need to do this if you had other jobs in the year
Adding employment details in untied Pro in the browser
1. Navigate to Tax forms in the menu
2. Click on "Employment"
3. Check the box to 'Include employment schedule (SA102).
4. Fill out the details for your P60 (if you left a job in the year, then enter it from your P45)
5. Add more employers if needed - you'll need to do this if you had other jobs in the year. To do this, click on Add Employment
6. Hit Save
Adding employment details in untied lite
untied lite supports one employment during the year.
1. Navigate to employment on the left
2. Enter the P60 information
3. Click Save