Frequently Asked Questions
- Logging out of untied
- Making Tax Digital for Income Tax - how untied is making taxes easy
- Managing your subscription
- My account is not supported
- Open banking - your transactions in untied
- Paying your tax to HMRC
- Round numbers and decimal points
- Self Assessment payments on account - what is a payment on account and how do I pay it to HMRC?
- Self employment income support scheme (SEISS) for COVID on your tax return
- Simplified tagging from untied
- Splitting transactions
- Spreading the tax bill and other help to pay your tax
- Student loans in untied including recording and making repayments
- Submitting your tax return - using your HMRC online account or untied express submit
- Transferring personal allowance to your spouse - the "marriage allowance"?
- untied lite - what does it support?
- untied's tax calculation - what it means
- Viewing filed returns / what's an SA302 and where do I get one?
- What are the Income Tax Rates & Bands for 2018-19?
- What are the Income Tax Rates & Bands for 2019-20?